Thursday, March 31, 2005

freedom of movement and the right to stay

Spotted over on John B's Shot By Both Sides blog, information on a March through London this Saturday, 2 April. The Misson statement?

"'We stand against racism and fortress Europe and for the rights of migrants and asylum seekers. For citizenship based on residency and the closing of all detention centres. We oppose deportation of migrants.

'We see the demand for freedom of movement encompassing different struggles of migration taking place every day throughout Europe: struggles for housing and legalisation, struggles against racism and camps, struggles in the workplace, the struggles of women and men to free themselves from patriarchy, racism, homophobia in their country of origin but also of their country of arrival.'"

Excellent stuff. More information here.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Excellent hmmm...

Do you think that 300 odd years ago Irish catholics would have signed up for something like this with regard to protestant Scottish settlers?

Do you think that 60 odd years ago muslim Palestinians would have signed up for something like this with regard to Jewish settlers?