Wednesday, October 27, 2004

the drift from labour

Further evidence that the kick against Labour continues; at a talk in London yesterday Guardian editor Alan Rusbridger has indicated that the paper is seriously considering a shift of allegiance to the Liberal Democrats. Such a shift would be "very dramatic", he said, but there was "every chance" it could happen.

Actually, I don't think it will, personally - the ties between the paper and the public services which have benefited from Labour are too strong. But it's only a tolerably effective domestic policy which prevents them - prevents any of us - from turning completely from this bitterly disappointing, shoddy party of government.

BBC NEWS Politics Guardian 'could support Lib Dems'


Jonathan said...

Yes, that's true. Who did the paper support in the 1983 election, do you know?

Jonathan said...

Yep, I think you're right about '83. Not so sure about them supporting the tories though, but perhaps you're right. So if the Guardian turns to the Liberals does that mean that the party would be campaigning the next election with only the Mirror on-side? Suppose it depends whether the Observer goes with it.

Jonathan said...

Goodness, Andrew, you and your two doppelgangers certainly do think alike...