Wednesday, February 28, 2007

food in the land of chavez

I'm a really big fan of BBC4's excellent Cooking In The Danger Zone, which is perhaps the best programme on TV at the moment. I really like Stefan Gates' passion for food, eagerly devouring rotten uncooked walrus and poached testicles. I like the way he occasionally gets carried away with his descriptions, although I was a bit disturbed just now when he pointed to a large hog-sized rodent in Venezuela, exclaiming; "unfortunately we're not allowed to eat them, because they're very rare - but apparently they taste very good. Sort of a like a big guinea-pig".

He's eaten guinea-pigs?

Suddenly I feel a bit sad.


Nat Uraleza said...

Why is it ok too eat a pig, cow or lamb but when you talk about some asian countries eating dogs everyone goes "Oh my god, savages!".

What exactly is the difference? In fact guinea pigs are not very intelligent, whereas pigs are one of the most intelligent animals and biologically 95% like humans, therefore they probably feel lots of pain when killed, separated from their mums, and put in a filthy sty (pigs are actually extremely clean).

Anonymous said...

pigs are dirty filthy savages.

Anonymous said...

"And the flesh you so fancifully fry,
is not succulent, tasty or kind,
it's death for no reason.
And death for no reason is murder"

Unknown said...

nat, we are sensitive about eating dogs because we have such a long history of cooperation with them going back 10,000 years or so. thats before we domesticated any other animal. they protected us and watched over us during the night, hunted with us during the day. it seems natural that we would develop a form of respect towards them. whereas pigs, goats, cows etc were only domesticated for one reason, to be eaten. makes me wonder about the development of Korean (and other?) culture and why it accepts the eating of dogs. does anyone know whether Koreans have any history of keeping dogs as pets? ant