Friday, October 14, 2005

4Docs: an excellent resource

well, that discovery about archived films on the 4Docs website looks to be accurate; they've got a list of films here which you can watch online. There's nothing on telly 'til Fahrenheit 9/11 at, erm, eleven, so get over there and watch the aforementioned Nick Broomfield film right away. There looks to be plenty more worth watching too, from Kim Longinotto's film about divorce in Iran to Paul Watson's study of the modern conservative, way back to films from the 20s, 30s and 40s. There's even a rather un-bloggy blog, too.

You need to register to watch the films but it's a moment's work, and well worth the effort. Hopefully the archive will expand to include more of the brilliant documentary films which C4 has commissioned over the years, and I will no longer be forced to spend ages downloading dodgy bit-torrents of Jon Ronson films because Channel 4 are too stupid to bring them out on DVD.

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