Monday, January 31, 2005

Assistant: heads up once again

Having talked at length about something which you really need to hear rather than read about yesterday, I'm happy to confirm that Assistant are playing The Cable Club once again soon - we're playing with Kingsomniac on March 14, another Monday night but not such a dark and forbidding one as the last, seeing as by March we should be a little into spring. The last Assistant gig was a wet, cold Monday in December - not the kind of night where people think, "hey, let's go out!".

I think we're the middle band of three, so should be onstage around nineish or so, and - as ever - we'll do our best to have a new song or two ready, and we'll certainly make sure we have the new demo to hand for you to take away with you, assuming, of course, that you can come.

I'll post further details nearer the date, of course.

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