i'm in love
Ladies and gentlemen, I give you Democratic Congressman Barney Frank...
Michael Tomasky, over on the Guardian, sums this up well...
I used to be a blogger
Ladies and gentlemen, I give you Democratic Congressman Barney Frank...
Michael Tomasky, over on the Guardian, sums this up well...
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This guy is one of the most hated politicians in America...unluckily he represents the state I work in (but thankfully don't live in)...
Hey Drew,
Be that as it may - you have to admit it's ludicrous to accuse Obama of being a Nazi. I've no problem at all with conservatives like yourself who are sceptical that Obama's plans will work. But drawing a Hitler moustache on Obama is not just unbelievably crass, it's laughably innacurate. Socialised welfare and fascism just don't have anything in common. It's a very poor way to make an argument - just calling the person you disagree with a Nazi.
Right. I'm a GOP-voting resident of Chicago and I don't want a govt run healthcare system either. But President Obama's plans are not in any way shape or form Nazi. Barney Frank was right to stand up to that awful woman.
I agree they are not "Nazi"...
What the media didn't mention is the people at rallies who have held signs depicting him as such (including this woman) are hardcore supporters of Lyndon LaRouche, who is so far left as to make Obama and Frank look like Conservatives...the right/conservatives have not called Obama a Nazi, as far as I know...
And oh, the irony...8 years of BusHitler and signs with swastikas, and now they get their panties all bunched up :-D Turnabout is fair play!
Jonathan, I agree 100%, calling your opponent a Nazi is intellectually weak...it shows you have no reasoned argument for or against whatever issue is being discussed...and that goes from either side of the political spectrum it's coming from!
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