Tuesday, April 12, 2005

shenanigans in dorset south

It's kind of interesting this story about Ed Matts, the tory candidate who has doctored some photographs of himself and Anne Widdicombe campaigning for the rights of an immigrant family threatened with deportation, in order to promote the party line on immigration - which is rather more severe. If I wasn't feeling a bit sleepy I'd probably get worked up about it and say he should be sacked. Instead, I keep looking at the two photographs and trying to work out what else - apart from the changed placards - bothers me about it.


He's done something to his face, hasn't he? Somehow in the new photo he looks more serious and steely, somewhat less goofy. And his hair is somehow thicker, more lustrous. It all combines and before long you can't help thinking goddamn it I have to vote for this man!! What a shame I don't live in Dorset South.


Powerful Pierre said...

You may, or indeed may not, be interested to know that Dorset South is *the* most marginal seat in the whole of the South West. Jim Knight had a majority of just 153 in 2001.

Ben said...

Just seen the pictures on the front of the Times. What a bizarre decision. I won't be calling for him to be sacked, because as long as he's a Tory candidate he'll be attracting the mockery and scorn of others.